Unfun rides or why it itches so much under the tail 🤭

Unfun rides or why it itches so much under the tail 🤭

No - no!!! This is not an attempt to wipe my bottom after my "dark deeds" or trying to get your favorite carpet dirty. It's a cry for help☝️

This behavior is indicative of several pathological conditions.

  • ✅ a parasitic infestation;
  • ✅ a problem with the perianal fistulas;
  • ✅ an allergic reaction.

These pathologies have one thing in common - itching in the same place. And the poor dog can't get there and is looking for every possible way to alleviate the suffering😩

How do you help a pet?🤨

As you can see, all three problems are fundamentally different and therefore do not have a single treatment. Self-treatment is not worth doing.

So, when you notice this condition - make an appointment with a vet. He will examine your pet and prescribe the appropriate therapy⚠️

📌Although if it's 1-2 days after grooming, it can be itchy because the hair starts to grow back, so wait for a little. If it happens more than once, then there might be a problem you'll have to address.

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